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Our subsidiaries

Senoko Energy Supply Pte Ltd (SES)

该公司的零售部门销售电力和能源解决方案, 旨在帮助家庭和企业管理他们的能源成本和提高他们的能源效率.

Senoko Services Pte Ltd (SSPL)


Senoko Gas Supply
Pte Ltd (SGS)


Our shareholders

Marubeni Corporation


The Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc.

Kyushu Electric Power Co. Inc.

Japan bank for international cooperation

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Our heritage

Explore our rich history.

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Our leadership

Meet the astute minds behind Senoko Energy.

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Our beliefs

Discover the thinking that fuels our journey.

The Great Transformation

The Great Transformation

Change is essential for growth. 我们经历了一系列的变化,加强了我们的企业形象和方向.

1995: Senoko电力有限公司是新加坡电力公司的子公司

Power Senoko于2001年4月1日从新加坡电力公司剥离,成为淡马锡控股的一部分. 该公司更名为Senoko电力有限公司,以支持新加坡能源市场的自由化

2003: 网站网址开始向企业销售能源, catering to varying consumption loads along the way: > 20MW (Year 2003), > 10MW (Year 2006), > 4MW (Year 2014), and >2MW (Year 2015)

2005: Completed a re-powering project. 这包括用燃气轮机和热回收蒸汽发生器取代燃油锅炉, 还有汽轮机的升级换代

2008: Senoko Energy于2008年9月12日从淡马锡控股(Temasek Holdings)剥离,成为Lion Power Consortium的一部分 2009年:Senoko Services Pte Ltd成立——Senoko Energy的子公司,通过Senoko Marine Operations Center (SMOC)提供储罐租赁和终端服务。 

Hall of Excellence

Hall of Excellence

Some of our proudest and brightest moments.

2008: 获得新加坡总统环境奖和新加坡水印奖

2012: 通过ISO 22301认证,实现业务连续性管理的国际标准

2013: 通过ISO 50001和ISO 27001认证,并获得首届新加坡能源奖

2015: 2015年首届NTUC uSAFE火花奖得主,由电力联盟提名 & 燃气员工(UPAGE)支持工作场所安全 & Health (WSH)

2018: Following our success in the business sector, Senoko能源完全开放,以满足新加坡家庭的电力需求 

2021: 荣获国家能源效率合作伙伴奖(EENP), Best Practices Category

2023: 被《网站网址》评为新加坡最佳雇主第18位  

Journey towards Net Zero

Journey towards Net Zero

甚至在可持续发展成为世界上这个地区家喻户晓的词之前, 我们一直带头支持新加坡在2050年前实现净零排放.

2005: 发起Senoko可持续发展挑战,作为国家天气研究项目,为新加坡各地学校的迷你气象站提供100万美元的赞助

2011: 第一家参与EMA和LTA电动汽车试验台的发电公司

- Rebranded as Senoko Energy with a new logo
- Launched first solar project, 安装屋顶电池板,帮助大陆汽车新加坡公司每年发电500兆瓦小时

2021: 启动新加坡首个点对点绿色能源交易平台试点, SolarShare, to drive solar adoption in our city

Our heritage goes beyond a power station

Did you know?


Did you know?


Interestingly through the years, 我们的房屋已经成为6种哺乳动物的家园, 28 species of birds, 7 species of reptiles & 两栖动物、17种海洋野生动物和8种果树.
During COVID-19, 在附近的设施关闭后,大约30只猫决定把Senoko发电站作为自己的家. Good thing was, we were a bunch of cat lovers, 所以他们成为了Senoko能源家族完美的一部分.
Did you know?

WWII bomb shelters are hidden here

Did you know?

WWII bomb shelters are hidden here

In Singapore,  there are a total of six bomb shelters left behind from World War II;  two of which are here within the Senoko premises. Also known as bunkers, 这些战时遗迹是为了保护我们的人民和武器免受空袭而建造的.
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About Senoko Energy


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Our beliefs

Discover the thinking that fuels our journey.

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Our leadership

Meet the astute minds behind Senoko Energy.


Executive Committee


它还监督集团的日常业务运作以及战略和政策的实施, 定期召开会议,检讨公司发展项目的进度和业务表现.

Board of Directors

董事会确定总体战略方向, corporate objectives, 本集团的财务及营运政策. 它监督管理和公司治理, 并监督绩效标准和政策问题. 这是直接或通过其执行委员会和审计委员会进行的, 或者通过委派给高级管理人员的方式.

Masashi Yoshikura

Chairman of the Board
网站网址 Ltd


Takeshi Hiramatsu

Assistant General Manager
Overseas Power Department I
Marubeni Corp


Niko Piet Cornelis

Chief Operating Office, Technical & Operational Support
Vice President, Thermal AMEA

Ryo Ishizuka

Division 2, Equity Investment Department
Japan Bank for International Cooperation

Jelena Valle-Ortise

Vice President
Finance, Flexible Generation & Retail AMEA

Toru Gengo

General Manager, Sector III
Overseas Power Department I
Marubeni Corp


Frederik Baerts

President & CEO
网站网址 Ltd


Masatoshi Inoue

Asia Asset Management Department
Asia Division
Kyuden International Corporation

Seiji Kawamura

General Manager
Overseas Power Department I
Marubeni Corp


Frederic Claux

Managing Director
Thermal & Supply AMEA
Country Manager, Middle East & Pakistan

Keiichi Niinuma

Deputy Chief of Division
Asset Management Division
Kyuden International Corporation


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About Senoko Energy


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Our beliefs

Discover the thinking that fuels our journey.

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Our heritage

Explore our rich history.

Our mission


Our vision


Our core values 

We take charge

we take charge

We take charge

我们的客户和利益相关者的需求正在发生变化. 我们必须通过创新和不断挑战现状,与他们一起发展.

We embrace change

We embrace change

我们授权并拥有我们的集体愿景和使命,为我们所服务的客户和社区创造影响. 即使在不确定和逆境中,我们也能保持韧性.

We provide energy for life

We provide energy for life

We strive to be sustainable in our business, 总是关心我们人民的安全, 保护我们的环境,确保我们为子孙后代提供必要的服务.

Our drive towards innovation

At Senoko Energy, 我们为客户提供创新的能源解决方案,并不断应对能源格局转型的挑战.

Our initiatives


我们设想一个由100%绿色能源驱动的未来. 为了铺平道路,我们推出了SolarShare. 一个独特的市场,家庭和企业可以方便地利用更多的太阳能选择.

Green & Smart Homes

让我们帮助您实现绿色家园的梦想. 使用100%碳中和的电力为您的每一天供电, charging support for your electric vehicle, 以及其他智能解决方案,让可持续发展成为你的生活方式.

Hydrogen power with City Energy

Here’s to a net-zero future. Together with our partner City Energy, 我们很高兴探索与氢相关的机会, 以满足新加坡未来对清洁能源的需求.

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Smart energy blog


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Media relations and enquiries

查找有关Senoko能源业务结构的信息, 所有权和运营历史以及媒体发布的列表.

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Considering a career change? Join us and help shape the future of energy.